Omicron (Ο, ο)

Ο Uppercase
ο Lowercase

Quick Info

  • Pronunciation: OM-ih-kron
  • English: o
  • Common Use: Big O notation

Historical Background

Fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet, derived from Phoenician letter "ayin", meaning eye. The name literally means "little o" (as opposed to omega, "big o") and reflects its role as the short O sound in ancient Greek.

Scientific Applications

Computer Science

Big O notation


Stellar classification


Order of magnitude


Solid angle


Orbital notation

Symbol Codes



  • Code: U+039F
  • Hex: Ο
  • Decimal: Ο


  • Code: U+03BF
  • Hex: ο
  • Decimal: ο




HTML entity for uppercase Omicron



HTML entity for lowercase omicron




LaTeX command for uppercase Omicron



LaTeX command for lowercase omicron

Common Usage

Computer Science

Algorithm Analysis

Time complexity notation

Space Complexity

Memory usage bounds

Performance Analysis

Growth rate comparison


Stellar Classification

Hot, blue stars

Spectral Analysis

Temperature classification


Brightness measurement


Asymptotic Analysis

Upper bounds

Function Growth

Order relationships

Complexity Theory

Algorithm efficiency

Common Applications

Algorithm Analysis

Quadratic time complexity

Logarithmic space complexity

Constant time operation

Stellar Classification

O-type star temperature

Luminosity scale

Peak wavelength

Special Applications

Asymptotic Analysis

Big O definition

Complexity hierarchy

Sum property


O-type star mass

Stellar radius

Luminosity relation

Algorithmic Complexity Classes

Common Time Complexities

O(1) Constant time
O(log n) Logarithmic time
O(n) Linear time
O(n log n) Linearithmic time
O(n²) Quadratic time
O(2ⁿ) Exponential time

Space Complexities

O(1) Constant space
O(n) Linear space
O(n²) Quadratic space
O(log n) Logarithmic space

Field Applications

Computer Science

  • Algorithm analysis
  • Performance bounds
  • Resource utilization
  • Complexity theory


  • Stellar classification
  • Spectral analysis
  • Temperature scales
  • Luminosity classes


  • Growth rates
  • Function bounds
  • Series analysis
  • Approximation theory

Writing Guidelines

Both uppercase (Ο) and lowercase (ο) forms are circular, similar to the Latin letter O. In handwriting, be careful to distinguish Omicron from the digit zero (0) and the Latin letter O. The Greek omicron is typically written slightly smaller than the Latin O.

How to Type Omicron


Alt Code

  • Hold Alt
  • Type 927 for Ο
  • Release Alt

Character Map

  • Open Character Map
  • Select Greek
  • Find and copy Omicron


  • Hold Alt + X
  • Type 039F
  • Release Alt + X


Option Key

  • Press Option + o for ο

Character Viewer

  • Press Control + Command + Space
  • Select Greek
  • Click Omicron


Compose Key

  • Press Compose + o + o for ο


  • Press Ctrl + Shift + U
  • Type 03BF
  • Press Enter

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Omicron (Ο) and Latin O?

While they look identical, Omicron and Latin O have different Unicode values and historical origins. In mathematics and computer science, Omicron is specifically used for Big O notation and other technical contexts.

Why is it called "little o"?

The name "omicron" literally means "little o" in Greek, distinguishing it from omega ("big o"). This naming helped differentiate between the two O-like letters in the Greek alphabet.

How is Omicron used in Big O notation?

In computer science, Big O notation (written with Latin O, not Omicron) is used to describe the upper bound of the growth rate of an algorithm. The notation O(n) describes how the algorithm's resource usage grows with input size.

What's the difference between O-type stars and other stellar classifications?

O-type stars are the hottest and most massive of the main sequence stars, with surface temperatures above 30,000 Kelvin. They appear blue in color and are relatively rare in the universe.

Related Symbols

Computational Complexity

Omega (Lower bound)
Theta (Tight bound)
Element of (Set membership)

Mathematical Notation

Empty set (Null set)
Infinity (Limitless)
Composition (Function composition)

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